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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crocodiles in India

                                         India is home to a wide variety of reptiles,and  is no lagging behind in the case of crocodiles also. India is home to 3 species of crocodiles, Mugger Crocodile (one in above picture), Salt water crocodile and Gharial. Mugger crocodile is a  fresh water species  and its habitat spread through out India. But the latter two species are facing serious survival problem. Salt water crocodile ones spread through out India, now shrink to few healthy habitats. Gharial also known as Ganges/chambal river crocodile is estimated to around 400 wild population as per latest census. Even strict conservation measures are taken to prevent the loss of this unique indian species, chances of survival is very tough as there are only breeding grounds available.

                  Encroachment and habitat destruction are the major reason for rapid reduction in crocodile numbers. Climate change also contributes to this account as the season and resulting flood completely washing new born crocodiles. Only few of them survives which may in future would end up their life in some fishing nets. Direct evidence of poaching nowadays reduced great extent but in the past it was the main reason in wiping out this magnificent creature many part including Kerala. Early in 20th century, salt water crocodiles were present in Kandal(mangroves) region in Kumarakom-Thanneermukkom area. Last known record corresponds to one shot from Thaneermukkom. Muggers were present in chinnar-pampar river systems now greatly reduced or may be locally extinct as they move downwards towards Koottar (Amravathy dam ).

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